This game requires only 64KB and a disk drive. Also we publish the cartridge version, it’s the same but it doesn’t need even a disk drive. To run the cartridge version you need at least the ALTIRRA emulator v4.30 or greater which supports the DCART format. More info here:

The game works on NTSC and PAL but on PAL works a little faster.

The game based on the BBC MICRO version but written practically from the beginning in order to take maximum advantage of the graphical and musical capabilities of ATARI XE/XL. It has 100 levels with the final boss at the end. Also it has 2 diffrent game endings depends on we play 1 player or 2 players.

STARTresuming the game of the current board

ESCexit the game

SPACE pause the game

M/S music ON / only SFX

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