This version of the game is based on the version from the bbc micro. Below we publish 2 versions of the game. Version v1.12 requires a minimum of 128kb of memory. On the other hand, v1.13 is a cartridge version, so it only requires 64kb of memory. The cartridge version is much faster and has several graphical improvements over the file version.
Changes in version v1.13 compared to version v1.12:
- Improved jaw animation, every 4 pixels shift instead of every 6.
- Improved animation of collected hearts, every 2 pixels shift instead of 4.
- Points appearing like in the Arcade version after collecting hearts.
- If we are sitting in a bench, the jaw does not currently kill us.
- Added ball dribbling instead of belts in the locker room.
- Added opponents eating chickens.
- Added trainer animation.
- Added cloud animation.
- Added possibility to collect a present in the corridor – extra life.
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